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ANNOUNCEMENT – 3/27/2012

Since January 2011, our blogs have focused on the subject of ‘Reframing Motherhood’. We’ve successfully captured women’s evolving perspectives from multiple areas of the arts, academe, activism, business and more. Beginning April 2012, we are initiating a new, exciting project, indicating the ways in which our blog team has grown in the last year and 1/2. In our effort to expand our reach, and capture appropriate viewers, we’ll be assigning reporters and bloggers on our rotating schedule to specific categories. Subject focus is listed below and will feed content to our JoinMama.com blog, providing unique content for each website and fortifying our mission of aligning specific voices with the appropriate brand. We look forward to continuing our mission of bringing women’s voices and perspectives to the forefront. Thank you for your ongoing participation. For more information or questions contact: Amy Andrews: MamazinaMag@gmail.com or Joy Rose: Joy@Mamapalooza.com to contribute.

MAMAPALOOZA – Music, Biz, & Events
INSPIRATION: Mamapalooza Blog is the place to get information out about new music projects, upcoming events and women in business.
M.O.M. Museum Blog
INFORMATION: History, Health, Activism & Academe and The Cultural Family
Mamazina Mag Blog
TRANSFORMATION: Literary Submissions, Poetry, Photos and Family Stories (Contests)

Ongoing since Jan. 2011

REFRAMING MOTHERHOOD: Are you a Blogger with a following, who wants to change the world? Please write us at MamazinaMagazine@gmail.com to participate. We welcome new contributors. MamaBlogger365 initiative posted here, at Museum Of Motherhood.org, MAMAPALOOZA and our feed site: JoinMama.com

We talk so much of better babies while we hear practically nothing of better mothers.

Eknath Easwaran wrote, “By our choices, each of us helps to shape the destiny of us all.” It’s so clear in a family, and increasingly clear in the world as a whole, that we do, and how we do it affects many people. Starting with ourselves, then our families, and then our communities – what kind of world are we choosing to create?

While the economic and overall environment for mothers has advanced, unrealistic expectations, gender assumptions, and higher than average financial and health risks remain. Individual mothers can shift the paradigm by making small but powerful changes in their own beliefs and lives.

Motherhood ranks as the oldest profession. According to Merriam-Webster, a mother is defined as “a female parent … (having) maternal tenderness or affection.”

Though many women are able to bear children, current definitions of motherhood can be bent and shaped to a multitude of situations or experiences. So here are the questions: What does it mean to be a mother? How can the experience of motherhood be reframed? What are some of the greatest issues facing mothers?

Got an idea? Wanna change the world? With just one blog post – only 250 words or less – you can help us with our identity forum, raising awareness about the Museum of Motherhood. Share your story with us, about your mothering, your art, your work and how you think (M)otherhood and mothering need to evolve. Honor a mother in your life with a tribute that sets an example for us all. Speak up about an issue that’s important.

For years, the Museum of Motherhood’s traveling and virtual exhibits have educated and empowered women, families and communities. Now it’s time to establish a permanent home for M.O.M. to expand exhibits and programming, showcasing the value of mothers and to document the stories, past, present and future, of motherhood.

Help us bring M.O.M. home!

Join MamaBlogger365

Submit 250 words, less or more is fine, in Word (.doc) attachment. Poetic, prose, artistic and video in jpg or mp3, mp4 content are all accepted. Submit now: REFRAMING MOTHERHOOD: What does it mean to be a mother? How can the experience of motherhood be improved? What are some of the greatest issues facing mothers? Blog posts will be featured at Mamazina Magazine online (Select blog posts will be featured in print edition of the Magazine), at Museum Of Motherhood website and read aloud during our MamapaloozaTV show at MingleMediaTV.com and in podcast, and one blogger feature and link each month will be chosen in our Mamapalooza newsletter to over 30,000 people.

Contact Amy Andrews at mamazinamag@gmail.com or call toll-free 1 (877) 711- MOMS (6667)

SUBMIT: MamazinaMagazine@gmail.com

Sign Up Today.


5 Responses to “365”
  1. Natasha L. Kaiser says:

    To me motherhood is an amazing journey. It starts from the time you find out you are pregnant and decide to keep the child…through the tramatic time of birth…to the life altering moment when you look that infant in the eyes and know you will impact the rest of their lives…

    To improve motherhood I believe we need more support for mothers who want to return to school in order to educate themselves to improve the income levels for their families. It is a hard first step, and each day in college feels like a lifetime away from our children. It is hard, it is scary…

    Some of the greatest issues facing mothers today is not trying to feed our children, but how do we buy those diapers and pacifiers they are wanting. How do we afford the bottles that don’t come with the WIC formula?! How do we know that the children are getting all of the support they need from us, the healthcare, the education? Are we choosing the right paths in our lives and having an effect on our children in a good way?!

  2. Correy Adams says:

    For me, motherhood means responsibility. Young people of childbearing age need to really think about how a child can impact their lives well before taking the plunge. I think that motherhood started for me way before I even met the father of my children, when I decided that I wasn’t going to bring a child into this world unless I could do it the best way I knew how.

    That meant getting good grades in school and going to college before I got married and had children so I could have time for them, provide for them and have the finances to do extra things with them to enrich their lives. Men and women alike need to be more responsible and really think, “What is best for my future children?”… not just, “What is best for me at this time?” Remember, even sea sponges can sexually reproduce… reproduction is not a miracle. What makes us different is we can plan ahead and create a better tomorrow for generations to come.

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  1. […] November 16, 2010 in Updates Join MamaBlogger365; […]

  2. […] include the (m)other voice. I’m still figuring out what that means, but am certain with your help, and our active team a vision will be […]

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